Colombian (City+) [Rainforest Alliance]

from $5.95


Origin - Colombia

Region - Huila

Cooperative – Cooperativa de Caficultores del Sur del Tolima

Number of Coffee Growers - 259

Average farm size - 5.6 hectares

Grade - Excelso EP (European Prep)

Processing – Washed. 80% Sun Dried and 20% Mechanical Drying (due to rainfall)

Certification - Rainforest Alliance

Average Altitude – 1,400-1,750 meters

Rainfall - 1,400mm

Soil - Volcanic with high levels of organic matter

Variety - 70% Caturra and 30% Castillo

Cupping Notes – great sweetness, light tangerine, purple grape, cocoa.  Clean and balanced.

amount (in pounds):
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Origin - Colombia

Region - Huila

Cooperative – Cooperativa de Caficultores del Sur del Tolima

Number of Coffee Growers - 259

Average farm size - 5.6 hectares

Grade - Excelso EP (European Prep)

Processing – Washed. 80% Sun Dried and 20% Mechanical Drying (due to rainfall)

Certification - Rainforest Alliance

Average Altitude – 1,400-1,750 meters

Rainfall - 1,400mm

Soil - Volcanic with high levels of organic matter

Variety - 70% Caturra and 30% Castillo

Cupping Notes – great sweetness, light tangerine, purple grape, cocoa.  Clean and balanced.


Origin - Colombia

Region - Huila

Cooperative – Cooperativa de Caficultores del Sur del Tolima

Number of Coffee Growers - 259

Average farm size - 5.6 hectares

Grade - Excelso EP (European Prep)

Processing – Washed. 80% Sun Dried and 20% Mechanical Drying (due to rainfall)

Certification - Rainforest Alliance

Average Altitude – 1,400-1,750 meters

Rainfall - 1,400mm

Soil - Volcanic with high levels of organic matter

Variety - 70% Caturra and 30% Castillo

Cupping Notes – great sweetness, light tangerine, purple grape, cocoa.  Clean and balanced.